UfM Business Platform: Regional Networking Forum on South-South and Triangular Cooperation co-organised with UNOSSC
28 June 2018, Istanbul. The Union for the Mediterranean, SESRIC, United Nations Office for South-South Cooperation (UNOSSC), the Islamic Development Bank (IDB) and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) will jointly organise the 4th Regional Networking Forum for the Arab States, Europe and the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) on South-South and Triangular Cooperation. The Forum will take place on 28 June 2018 in Istanbul, and will be hosted by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Turkey.
The Forum will focus on how the private sector in the OIC Countries can be successfully integrated into the 2030 Agenda and strategically engaged in development cooperation, in particular through South-South and Triangular Cooperation (SS&TC) mechanisms.
Learn More: http://www.sesric.org/event-detail.php?id=1970