The UfM endorses two new regional projects to support Member States in their transition to climate-resilient economies and to promote blue employment
Ahead of the 4th UfM Ministerial Meeting on Employment and Labour, the UfM endorses initiatives to promote blue and sustainable economic growth in order to improve livelihood and create jobs
Brussels, 28 March 2019. The Senior Officials of the Union for the Mediterranean (UfM) endorsed today two new regional projects to contribute to the transition towards sustainable, low-carbon and climate-resilient development (Clima-Med) and on encouraging the development of skills, knowledge and research in the field of Blue Economy (Blue Skills). The UfM will join forces for these projects with the European Union and Italian National Institute of Oceanography and Applied Geophysics – OGS in Italy, respectively.
The meeting of the Senior Officials of the 43 UfM Member countries in Brussels was also the occasion to discuss the preparations of the upcoming 4th UfM Ministerial Meeting on Employment and Labour, set to take place on 1-3 April in Cascais, Portugal. The Ministerial Conference will be co-chaired by Marianne Thyssen, EU Commissioner for Employment, Social Affairs, Skills and Labour Mobility, and Samir Said Murad, Ministry of Labour of Jordan and hosted by José António Vieira da Silva, Minister of Labour, Solidarity and Social Security of Portugal, in the presence of Nasser Kamel, UfM Secretary General. With the aim to discuss the pressing challenges of unemployment, the Conference will encompass two side-events, on “the employment of university graduates” and a Ministerial Policy Conference on “job, skills and opportunities for all”.
Senior Officials also discussed the preparations for the UfM Business Forum in Cairo, Egypt on 18 June, which will be held in partnership with the German and Egyptian Ministers for economic cooperation and trade.
The Senior Officials of the UfM meet regularly to oversee and coordinate the work of the UfM. They approve the budget and the work programme of the Secretariat as well as discuss the project proposals submitted by the Secretariat for approval and endorsement.
More information on UfM-labelled projects
Blue Jobs and Responsible Growth in the Mediterranean throughout Enhancing Skills and Developing Capacities
Aimed at implementing a pan-Mediterranean initiative for developing new curricula and increasing employability in the marine sciences and maritime sectors, the BlueSkills project is promoted by a Mediterranean consortium led by the Italian National Institute of Oceanography and Applied Geophysics.
Throughout its implementation, the core activities will promote the development of new skills, understanding and research in the field of Blue Economy that leads to “blue” careers and scientific research. By supporting the Euro-Mediterranean community of stakeholders of the Blue Economy through Higher Education and Research, the project strives as well for a better shared knowledge of the Mediterranean basin in marine and maritime sectors.
The project budget is valued as € 999,600 spanning across five years and ten countries with a broader impact to all the Mediterranean.
Clima-Med: Acting for Climate in South Mediterranean
The objective of CLIMA-MED is to improve energy security and adaptive capacity of partner countries while fostering their transition to low carbon and climate-resilient economies, thereby contributing to more stable, efficient, competitive and climate-resilient socioeconomic environment. The project objective is in-line and part of the programme “Energy security and Climate action in the Southern Neighbourhood 2017-2018”, which has been adopted by the European Commission in 2017.
The project budget is valued as € 6,9 Million spanning across 4 years and 8 countries.
More information: www.climamed.eu