UfM Regional Platform on Transport Connectivity
The UfM Regional Platform on Transport Connectivity and its dedicated Working Groups on Land, Air and Maritime Transport and Logistics Connectivity, will bring together UfM government representatives, key regional and international partner organisations and international financial institutions, as well as key experts and stakeholders from both the public and private sectors.
The objective of this Platform and its Working Groups is to discuss the proposed elements for the priority guidelines of an enhanced and comprehensive UfM Strategy on Transport Connectivity to address the enduring core challenges faced by the transport sector, with a view to establishing an efficient, integrated, interoperable and sustainable transport infrastructure network in the Euro-Mediterranean region, including through strengthening the regulatory reform and convergence in all relevant transport modes, with the ultimate aim of fostering socio-economic development and cooperation.
Thus, paving the way towards a more sustainable transport sector integrating multimodal transport and logistics chains, enhancing mobility for individuals, facilitating trade and ensuring a smooth flow of freight through the different transport modes across the Euro-Mediterranean region, enabling the UfM Secretariat to contribute to achieving the SDGs.
Back-to-back with the UfM Regional Platform, the UfM Secretariat will organise the UfM-IFIs Urban Project Committee. This meeting is aimed at exchanging views with the IFIs and key partners of the UfM region on the funding of the labelled and potential projects for future labelling in the field of transport, particularly by exploring innovative coordinated financing approaches and mechanisms, as well as cooperative multi-donor strategies and partnerships at regional level.