Young Women as Job Creators project is implemented in Morocco and Palestine
Barcelona, 2 October, 2013. The Union for the Mediterranean labelled project Young Women as Job Creators, promoted by the Association of Organisations of Mediterranean Businesswomen (AFAEMME), continues its implementation in Morocco and Palestine. A total of 17 Women Entrepreneurship Days (WED) will be held in Morocco, organized by the local businesswomen partner organization Association des Femmes Chefs d’Entreprises du Maroc (AFEM). The Moroccan WEDs will take place from 2 of October until 16 of November 2013, and will be hosted by a total of 11 participating Moroccan faculties and universities from six Moroccan cities.
The Palestinian businesswomen partner organization Business and Professional Women – Ramallah Club (BPWRC) will hold its WED on 5 of October 2013 in Ramallah, hosted by the Ramallah Chamber of Commerce and Industry, and supported by three local universities.
This project provides young women university students with information about the benefits they can draw from being entrepreneurs and motivates them to start up their own businesses after graduating from the university. The students receive concrete information and advice about the process of setting up a company with concrete examples of young women entrepreneurs, acting as role models. They are further assisted by professional business creation trainers who additionally analyse the possibilities of their initial business ideas and help them in their entrepreneurship projects.
The Secretariat of the Union for the Mediterranean is fully committed to the success of this project in an effort to further promote the creation of women-led businesses and thus contribute to the inclusive socio-economic growth of the region.
More information on the project here