UfM High-Level Conference on the Financing of the Future Trans-Mediterranean Transport Network (TMN-T)
Port of Rome (Civitavecchia, Italy) – 10 December 2014
[ufm_tabs][ufm_tab title=”About the Conference”]
The Conference
The Union for the Mediterranean (UfM) High-Level Conference will be held at the Port of Rome (Civitavecchia, Italy) on 10 December 2014. The conference is a direct result of the UfM Ministers’ Declaration adopted in November 2013 at the Ministerial Conference on Transport, which stressed the importance of mobilising all available funds in a coordinated manner and supported the holding at the earliest convenience of a conference involving all potential financial partners.
This technical conference will convene all the main European and international financial institutions, donors and private companies before the Euro-Mediterranean Partners in order to promote the implementation of the Trans-Mediterranean Transport Network (TMN-T) and its priority projects, within the Trans-European Transport Network (TEN-T).
Furthermore, it will analyse the available financial instruments aimed at allowing the financial engineering of TMN-T projects through Technical Assistance, PPPs and other tools, thus stimulating coordination and avoiding duplication.
The event will be hosted by the Italian Government in the framework of the Italian Presidency of the Council of the EU (July to December 2014). The conference will be preceded by a technical tour of the port and a gala dinner.
Objectives of the Conference
- Provide a platform for dialogue for project promoters, donors and beneficiaries to discuss how to mobilise and coordinate all potential partners towards the effective implementation of the Trans-Mediterranean Transport Network (TMN-T).
- Bring together the Euro-Mediterranean partner countries, key European and international financial institutions as well as donors and private companies to mobilise financing for the TMN-T and its priority projects.
- Analyse the available financial instruments (including potential technical assistance and public-private partnerships – PPPs) for the financial engineering of TMN-T related projects so as to avoid duplications and stimulate coordination.
- Start defining the future funding strategy for the TMN-T. Speakers will propose innovative instruments and alternative ways of funding with an emphasis on the role of the private sector.
- Inform participants on how the UfM Secretariat operates together with IFIs to promote regional projects related to the future TMN-T: project identification, assessment, labelling, financing, implementation and follow up.
[ufm_tab title=”Programme”]
Tentative Programme
Tuesday 9 December
[ufm_column size=”1/5″]14:30[/ufm_column]
[ufm_column size=”4/5″]Registration [/ufm_column]
[ufm_column size=”1/5″]15:00[/ufm_column]
[ufm_column size=”4/5″] Technical tour of the Port of Rome (Civitavecchia)[/ufm_column]
[ufm_column size=”1/5″]19:00[/ufm_column]
[ufm_column size=”4/5″]Welcome dinner [/ufm_column]
Wednesday 10 December
[ufm_column size=”1/5″]09:00 – 09:25[/ufm_column]
[ufm_column size=”4/5″]Registration [/ufm_column]
[ufm_column size=”1/5″]09:25 – 09:30[/ufm_column]
[ufm_column size=”4/5″]Opening of the Conference
- Mr P. Monti, President of the Port Authority, Porto di Roma (Civitavecchia)[/ufm_column]
[ufm_column size=”1/5″]09:30 – 10:15[/ufm_column]
[ufm_column size=”4/5″]WELCOME ADDRESS
- Mr Lupi, Minister of Infrastructure and Transport of Italy
- Mr/Ms (tbc), Member of the European Commission, Transport
- Ms L. Shbeeb, Minister of Transport of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan
- Mr Sijilmassi, Secretary General of the UfM
- Mr N. Zingaretti, President of Lazio Region (Italy)
[ufm_column size=”1/5″]10:15 – 11:30[/ufm_column]
[ufm_column size=”4/5″]SESSION 1:
The life-cycle of the regional project related to the future TMN-T network (assessment, financing, implementation, regulatory framework, follow-up)
Chair: Mr. E. Pujia. Director General, DG Maritime and Inland Waterways Transport, Ministry for Infrastructure and Transport, Italy
- Experience related to the TMN-T projects from Southern Mediterranean partners
- Experience related to the trans-European transport network (TEN-T) from the European Commission
[ufm_column size=”1/5″]11:30 – 11:45[/ufm_column]
[ufm_column size=”4/5″]Coffee break [/ufm_column]
[ufm_column size=”1/5″]11:45 – 13:00[/ufm_column]
[ufm_column size=”4/5″]SESSION 2:
Funding of large infrastructural transport projects over their whole life-cycle: different scenarios
Chair: (representative of the Jordan Ministry of Transport)
- The implementation of the TMN-T: state of play and challenges in relation to the UfM labelled projects
- Role and experience of European Investment Bank in the Mediterranean Region
- Experiences of International Financial Institutions
- Role and experience of national development agencies
- Contribution from the private sector and experts
[ufm_column size=”1/5″]13:00 – 14:30[/ufm_column]
[ufm_column size=”4/5″]Lunch [/ufm_column]
[ufm_column size=”1/5″]14:30 – 15:35[/ufm_column]
[ufm_column size=”4/5″]SESSION 2:
Funding of large infrastructural transport projects over their whole life-cycle: different scenarios
[ufm_column size=”1/5″]15:45 – 16:00[/ufm_column]
[ufm_column size=”4/5″]Coffee break [/ufm_column]
[ufm_column size=”1/5″]16:00 – 17:15[/ufm_column]
[ufm_column size=”4/5″]SESSION 3:
Promoting projects of the future TMN-T and enhancing synergies amongst financial instruments
Chair: Amb. Y. Alpogan. Deputy Secretary General, Transport and Urban Development, Union for the Mediterranean
- Role and the needs of the private sector in a new financial framework
- Interventions from International Financial Institutions: new financing mechanisms for the Mediterranean
- Intervention from the European Commission
[ufm_column size=”1/5″]17:15 – 18:00[/ufm_column]
[ufm_column size=”4/5″] CLOSING SESSION:
- Report from the Chairs of the three sessions
- Conclusive remarks by UfM Secretary General, European Commission and Minister of Transport of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan
[ufm_tab title=”Practical Information”]
Practical Information for participants
The Port Authority of Civitavecchia is glad to welcome you on the occasion of this important event.
We hope to welcome all guests on 9th December for the Technical Tour of the Port at 15.00h (registration from 14.30h), and for the Gala Dinner at 19.30h.
The Conference will take place on 10th December from 09.00 to 18.00h.
In order for you to profit from a pleasant stay in Civitavecchia, we have included here below, some logistic information as well as hotel suggestions which we hope you will find useful.
Contact at Conference Location: Mr. Luca Lupi – General Affairs Executive
Mobile: +39.334.6493940
E-mail: lupi@portidiroma.it
Website: www.port-of-rome.org
Address: Autorità Portuale di Civitavecchia. Molo Vespucci snc – 00053 Civitavecchia (Rome). Italy.
The Port of Civitavecchia, founded as the port of Rome by Emperor Trajan, has represented the cornerstone of exchange and contact among the people of the ancient “Mare Nostrum” for many centuries.
Civitavecchia still enjoys this privileged position today, at the centre of a modern and efficient railway, road and airport network that links the capital and central Italy to the rest of the world. Thanks to the new Port Regulating Plan, the Port of Civitavecchia has increased its commercial traffic reaching a total of two million tons of bulk goods.
It is also strategic for the access to important Italian tourist destinations and important Mediterranean cruise routes. The passenger flow increase has been favoured by a long-standing policy that also witnessed the foundation, in 1991, of the Coordination of the Middle Tyrrhenian Sea that aims at increasing Short Sea Shipping between Civitavecchia and the Sardinian ports (Olbia-Golfo Aranci, Cagliari and Porto Torres).
Civitavecchia has also become leader of cruise traffic. Development works of the wharfs and passenger welcoming structures have granted the possibility of recording a significant increase in cruise liners, going from 50 ships in 1996 to 500 in 2003. Civitavecchia aims at increasing the tourist flow with the target of becoming the most important cruise port in the Mediterranean.
Civitavecchia is located close to Rome, on the Northern coast of the Lazio region, and the Fiumicino Intercontinental Airport Leonardo Da Vinci is only 60 km away.
The town is well connected to the capital city: a 40-minute ride on the local train takes you to the Vatican and 1-hour ride to reach the main hub – Stazione Termini.
About 50 thousand people live in Civitavecchia and the port is one of the main job opportunities for the local population, as well as tourism in the summer season.
Participants are requested to make their own travel and accommodation arrangements.
Please remember to complete any entry visa formalities to Italy prior to your travel. For specific visa application procedures and forms, kindly contact the Embassy or Consulate of Italy in your country. Should you require a formal invitation letter to facilitate the visa procedure, please do not hesitate to send your request to financingconference@ufmsecretariat.org.
For your comfort, we are arranging a shuttle bus service from Rome Fiumicino Airport Terminal 3 to Civitavecchia, with scheduled departures on:
- 9th December – every hour, starting at 08.00h until 14.00h.
- 10th December – two departures, the first shuttle bus at 08.00h and the second one at 09.00h.
- Should you require a transfer on a different time, do not hesitate to send us the Registration Form duly completed.
The drive to Civitavecchia lasts about 45 minutes.
In Civitavecchia, there will be shuttle bus service from the various hotels:
- 9th December – for the Technical Tour of the Port and for the Gala Dinner, and back.
- 10th December – to the Conference Venue, and back.
The pick-up and departure times will be available at the hotel reception desks.
Participants will be met at their hotel by a Port Authority representative, who will lead the way to the restaurant where the Gala Dinner will take place.
Should you wish to benefit from our hospitality service, please send the Registration Form attached duly completed by 1st December to: Mr. Luca Lupi (lupi@portidiroma.it).
The three hotels listed here below are our recommended hotels, which offer special rates for all conference participants. Please book directly with the hotel of your preference. To benefit from their special rates simply indicate that you are participating in the “Trans-Mediterranean Transport Conference”, hosted by the Port Authority of Civitavecchia.
[ufm_column size=”1/5″]Hotel de la Ville, Civitavecchia[/ufm_column]
[ufm_column size=”4/5″]The Hotel de La Ville is located in a nineteenth century building near the sea front and at a walking distance from the railway station. All the rooms are decorated with flower decorations and elegant furniture according to the 19th century tradition. Every room offers all comforts such as marble bathroom, minibar, sat TV, telephone and fax service.
Website: http://www.roseshotels.it/index.php?l=2
Special Rate for conference participants:
Double-single-use room, including breakfast: 80 € per room per night
Double room, including breakfast: 100 € per room per night
[ufm_column size=”1/5″]Hotel San Giorgio, Civitavecchia [/ufm_column]
[ufm_column size=”4/5″]The Hotel San Giorgio is located in the city centre, in a prestigious historic palace that has been beautifully restored in 2007 and was awarded with the title of Cultural Heritage by the Superintendence. The Hotel welcomes its guests in the wide glass-roofed Hall and by the important stairway at the entrance decorated with grisaille paintings and enamel on blown glass representing St. George and the dragon.
Website: http://www.sangiorgiohotel.biz/welcome.htm
Special Rate for conference participants:
Double-single-use room, including breakfast: 110 € per night
Double room, including breakfast: 120 € per room per night
[ufm_column size=”1/5″]Sunbay Park Hotel, Civitavecchia [/ufm_column]
[ufm_column size=”4/5″]The Sunbay Park Hotel, with beautiful views over the sea and the Riva di Traiano marina, is only 45 minutes from Leonardo da Vinci Airport. It offers a swimming pool overlooking the rocky shore and its own tennis court. The location is just outside Civitavecchia, surrounded by peaceful nature. Rates include access to the beach club and bar-restaurant service on the beach. Civitavecchia Train Station is 2 km from the hotel, five minutes by car or taxi.
Website: http://www.sunbayparkhotel.com/inizio_ENG.html
Special Conference Rate:
Double-single-use room, including breakfast: 80 € per room per night
Double room, including breakfast: 110 € per room per night
[ufm_tab title=”Registration”]
To confirm your participation please send the Registration Form to: financingconference@ufmsecretariat.org
Since the number of participants is limited, we encourage you to register as soon as possible. The deadline for registration is 1 December.
As indicated in the Practical Information Note, to benefit from the hospitality service (shuttle bus) of the Port Authority of Civitavecchia, please send the Registration Form duly completed to Mr Luca Lupi no later than 1 December at the following email address: lupi@portidiroma.it
[ufm_tab title=”Contact”]
For information on confirmation of participation:
UfM Secretariat
+34 93 521 41 41
For city information, transfers and questions regarding the Technical Tour of the Port:
Port Authority of Civitavecchia
Mr Luca Lupi
+39 0766 366906
Mobile: +39 3346 493940