“Cooperation projects in research, development and innovation are crucial for the growth of the Euro-Mediterranean region, as they have a direct impact on regional integration and employability”, underlined Prof. Chet during the meeting…. read more
• The Euro-Mediterranean Cooperation through ERANET Joint Activities and Beyond (ERANETMED) initiative launches its first transnational call for research project proposals with the following themes: Renewable Energies and Energy Efficiency, Water Resources Management and the Energy-Water Nexus. • The proposal submission deadline is 31 January 2015. The total budget allocated for project funding under the ERANETMED initiative is €13,720, 000…. read more
The Euro-Mediterranean University of Fes is seeking to recruit executives and specialist professors as part of its permanent staff…. read more
• The Secretary General of the Union for the Mediterranean (UfM), Fathallah Sijilmassi, and the Secretary General of the International Centre for Advanced Mediterranean Agronomic Studies (CIHEAM), Cosimo Lacirignola, signed a cooperation agreement to undertake joint initiatives benefitting higher education and food security in the Euro-Mediterranean region. • The UfM-CIHEAM project “Higher Education on Food Security & Rural Development” was officially launched. • Within the frame of this project, 20 scholarships have been allocated to Southern Mediterranean female students in the four CIHEAM institutes for the 2014-2015 academic year…. read more
The INSA Euro-Méditerranée officially came into being on Monday 22 September as part of the Euro-Mediterranean University of Fez (UEMF). This project created the first Euro-Mediterranean establishment for engineer training…. read more
On 22 September, the Euro-Mediterranean University of Fes will launch the first two Master Programmes on Renewable Energies and Environmental Engineering accredited by the Ministry of Higher Education of Morocco. The University will also launch the “INSA-Euro-Méditerranée’’ Engineering School, co-developed in partnership with INSA Group -France and a consortium of Universities from Morocco, Spain, Italy and Portugal. More info: Euro-Mediterranean University of Fes Route de Sidi Hrazzem Fès Shore, 30 070 Fes – Morocco Tél. : +212 5-38-90-31-31; +212-614 36 35 10 contact@ueuromed.org www.ueuromed.org… read more
• The UfM Secretariat presented its cooperation projects in higher education and research and invited universities from Barcelona to actively participate in UfM initiatives in the Euro-Med region. • An official welcome address was given by the Honorable Conseller of Economy and Knowledge of the Government of Generalitat de Catalunya, Andreu Mas-Colell, and the Secretary General of the Union for the Mediterranean, Fathallah Sijilmassi…. read more
ERANETMED pre-announces first joint call for transnational research projects. The objective is to develop joint research and enhance new innovative approaches and technologies in the Mediterranean Region. The scope of the call includes renewable energies and energy efficiency, water resources management or a combination of water and energy issues in the same project… read more
A lecture on “UfM: an Operational Platform for Dialogue and Regional Integration” will be given by UfM Secretary General Sijilmassi this evening at 7:00 pm at the Barcelona Institute of International Studies (IBEI)…. read more
The UfM-labelled project, Euro-Mediterranean Masters & PhDs, will be implemented at Universities which are part of the EMUNI network, promoter of the initiative. The project aims to increase the employability of students by offering higher education courses related to the priorities of the Euro-Mediterranean region…. read more