Euromed University of Fes
Context and objectives
The Euromed University of Fes is a new regional centre of excellence promoting dialogue, knowledge-sharing and intercultural exchange in the fields of higher education, research and innovation.
Its regional approach is reflected in the diversity of nationalities of its students and staff, as well as in the contents of its study programmes, which focus on topics important for the integrated development of the Mediterranean region. The UEMF is building a new generation of young people with a unique Euro-Mediterranean profile, who can play an active role in transforming the region effectively and cooperatively.
Endorsed by the 43 Member States of the UfM in 2012, the UEMF constitutes one of the UfM’s flagship projects and is part of the Mediterranean Initiative for Jobs (Med4Jobs). In line with the conclusions set by the UfM Ministerial Conference on Strengthening Cooperation through Research and Innovation (Valetta, May 2017) and the 1st Euro-Mediterranean Ministerial Conference on Higher Education and Scientific Research (Cairo, 2007), along with the recommendations of the European Neighbourhood Policy (ENP, 2015), the promotion of international student mobility is a key priority of the University.
The overall construction of the UEMF eco-campus is expected to be completed by 2024. It will have the capacity to host approximately 7,000 students and 650 staff members representing diverse nationalities from the Euro-Mediterranean region and Sub-Saharan Africa.

Key figures
Construction to
be completed:
Students (2024):
Total cost:
The Euro-Mediterranean University of Fes is part of the Mediterranean Initiative for Jobs (Med4Jobs), a cross-sector, region-wide initiative in the field of job creation. The initiative was developed by the UfM Secretariat to help increase the employability of young people and women, close the gap between labour supply and demand, and foster a culture of entrepreneurship and private-sector development.
This project is promoted by the Ministry of Higher Education, Scientific Research & Executive Training (MESRCFC) of the Kingdom of Morocco.
Key partners
- Socio-economic partners: Agile Semiconductors, CGEM, Crédit Agricole, Éléphant Vert, GIMAS, OCP, Peugeot, Safran, Société d’Investissements Énergétiques, Sunomix and Total.
- Academic & research partners: INSA Groupe, Académie Hassan II des Sciences et Techniques, CNAM, CNRST, Institut du Monde Arabe (IMA), IRESEN and Euro-Med universities: École Polytechnique de Paris, École Nationale des Ponts et Chaussées, Università degli Studi di Firenze and Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne
- University networks from the Euro-Mediterranean region: EMUNI, UNIMED, TETHYS and RMEI.
- 7,000 students from across the Euro-Mediterranean region and Sub-Saharan Africa will be enrolled by 2024.
- 80% of those students will participate in mobility experiences abroad.
- 20% of those students will be granted full or partial scholarships.
- 650 highly qualified teachers, researchers, administrative and technical staff will collaborate or be hired by 2020.
Key actions
Promoting the degree programmes already launched by the UEMF in collaboration with renowned higher education institutions.
Striving to ensure the largest diversity of nationalities amongst the students.
Accompanying the UEMF in the development of new courses.
Assisting the UEMF to explore possible funding options.
Facilitating the building of partnerships between the UEMF and outstanding universities, research centres and companies from across the Euro-Mediterranean region with a view to establishing joint degrees and creating mobility opportunities and internship schemes.
Expected results
The delivery of high-standard, multilingual programmes in engineering, humanities and social sciences complemented by classes on Euro-Mediterranean history, civilisations, heritage and languages as well as courses in ICT and entrepreneurship.
The launch of programmes in partnership with well-known higher education institutions from several Euro-Mediterranean countries.