The project addresses the obstacles to the mobilization of financing in the Mediterranean Water Sector and aims to improve public governance and attract important investments. It involves work at national and regional level over three years (2013-2015) in six Mediterranean countries, with the potential of more countries joining at later stages…. read more
The Secretary General met with high representatives from Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau (KFW) in Frankfurt on May 22. The meeting was the occasion to review the work of KfW in the region and for the Secretary General to present the mandate of the UfM Secretariat on promoting flagship regional projects, its main sectors of work as well as specific projects and initiatives that it is undertaking. KFW and the Secretariat highlighted the strong similarities of their priorities and concrete activities in the region and analysed in particular their engagement on issues such as renewable energy, water and environmental protection, job creation and… read more
The Secretary General of the UfM participated earlier this week in the panel discussion organized by the Körber Foundation and the German-Arab Friendship Association (DAFG) in Hamburg in the presence of an audience. The event, which took place on May 21, tackled the topic ‘Future in the South? How Europe and North Africa are linked.’ Mr Sijilmassi joined as a panellist in a discussion that also featured the prominent political scientist, Prof. Dr. Claus Leggewie. Among the topics discussed were the importance of Germany as a key trading partner in the region, the growing need for further regional economic and… read more
A l’initiative du Secrétaire Général de l’UpM, M. Fathallah Sijilmassi, la 11ème réunion du Bureau élargi de l’Assemblée régionale et locale Euro-Méditerranéenne (ARLEM) s’est tenue pour la première fois, au siège de l’Union pour la Méditerranée à Barcelone, le 23 mai 2013. Cette réunion du bureau s’est tenue en présence des coprésidents d’ARLEM, M. Ramon Luis Valcárcel Siso, Président de la Région de Murcie et M. Abd El Rahman, Gouverneur de Giza (Egypte) et des membres du bureau d’ARLEM. Cette journée de travail a permis d’évoquer les questions prioritaires telles que la mobilité urbaine durable et les moyens de renforcer… read more
Barcelona, 15 May, 2013. The Union for the Mediterranean labelled project Young Women as Job Creators, promoted by the Association of Organisations of Mediterranean Businesswomen (AFAEMME), held its first Women Entrepreneurship Day on 15 of May 2013 in Barcelona. The seminar was organized by the Catalan Association of Business and Executive Women (ACEE) and hosted by the Universitat Internacional de Catalunya. It was attended by a large number of both, female and male students, from eight participating Spanish universities. The event opened with an intervention by Mr. Boris Dumančić from the Union for the Mediterranean, who conveyed the organization’s strong commitment to… read more
The LOGISMED Training Activities (LOGISMED-TA) project will contribute to the creation of a more competitive and efficient network of Euro-Mediterranean Logistics Platforms by increasing the training offer and improving the level of qualifications of the logistics platforms’ personnel. These series of training activities will be implemented during the period 2013-2018 in Egypt, Morocco and Tunisia…. read more
Barcelona, 15 May 2013. The preparatory work of the UfM Euro-Mediterranean Sustainable Urban Development Strategy that started in March 2012 following the request by the First Ministerial Conference of the Union for the Mediterranean (UfM) on Sustainable Urban Development (Strasbourg, November 2011), has been successfully concluded on the occasion of the Fifth Senior Official Experts Meeting. The main elements of the Strategy, namely, the ‘UfM Guidance Framework for Sustainable Euro-Mediterranean Cities and Territories’; the ‘Study for the Creation of an Urban Agency for the Mediterranean and of An Award for Urban Innovations’; and a report on the latest developments about… read more
Le Secrétaire général de l’Union pour la Méditerranée (UpM), M. Fathallah Sijilmassi s’est entretenu jeudi à Lisbonne avec le ministre portugais des Affaires étrangères Paulo Portas, de l’agenda méditerranéen commun et de la coordination entre le groupe “5+5” et l’UpM. “Le Portugal est un partenaire méditerranéen important et cette rencontre a été l’occasion pour faire le point sur les développements et l’évolution de l’UpM notamment dans la perspective de la présidence du Portugal du groupe “5+5″ puisque ce groupe et l’Union travaillent en synergie”, a souligné M. Sijilmassi dans une déclaration à la MAP à l’issue de cette entrevue. Il… read more
On the 6th of May, the Secretary General met with the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Foreign Affairs, Foreign Trade and European Affairs of Belgium, Mr. Didier Reynders. The Secretary General holds regular visits to the capitals of the UfM Member countries to discuss developments in the region, the work progress of the Secretariat and the engagement of the countries in the UfM projects and presents the latest developments and achievements of the UFMS. During his meeting with Minister Reynders, the Secretary General thanked the Minister for the active participation of Belgium in the UfM official meetings and projects. Minister… read more
The project Young Women as Job Creators intends to inform, motivate and train about 10.000 young women university students to become future successful businesswomen and employers. It will be implemented between May and November 2013 in Morocco, Palestine, Jordan and Spain…. read more